

Review Of Deeper Dating, By Ken Page

Review Of Deeper Dating, By Ken Page

In these classes, you will learn how to bring the power, authenticity and magic of your Core Gifts right into the day-to-day reality of your search for love – and all your relationships. You will develop a “toolkit” of skills which will help turn your dating life into an adventure of growth. You’ll learn new and empowering approaches to meeting new people, online dating and more. You’ll learn concrete Deeper Dating® skills specifically designed for online dating, dating events, social gatherings and day-to-day life – with practices, suggestions, and exercises for each of these venues.

Of course, it’s very healthy to develop the entire spectrum of qualities, Masculine and Feminine. The most helpful chapters to me here were the ones on the attractions of inspiration and deprivation because they honestly helped me learn more about myself and my relationships than most other books I’ve read. Everything after that was your standard self-help book fare, I thought, so if you’re new to self-help, the whole thing will probably be super helpful. If you’re pretty familiar with the genre, it’ll be the first half of the book.

A course-in-a-book that will speed your path to love

Eleven 45 minute live Q &A sessions led personally by me. I’ll guide you through the joys and challenges and choices you’ll experience on this profound journey, and help you with the nitty-gritty specifics you’ll encounter. These Q & A sessions take place during the in-between weeks. I am 63 years old, divorced 5 years, and took a couple of years to really learn about myself, grow, and look at all my relationships, and clean house.

I thought if i just got the perfect relationship, that would be the final fulfillment. So and then i realized it didn’t really fill that hole, and so i go to the next thing, a soulmate relationship. Wanting a soulmate is not going to take me anywhere, tis’ not going to take me beyond the ego because the ego’s what’s seeking. After any date that was not inspiring strong emotions were coming up and a pull in the direction of defense or withdrawal.

While some offer well founded research and insightful anecdotes, a lot of them unfortunately peddle unfounded nonsense and, in some cases, misogynistic bullshit. This book explores how these ideas relate to your dating life. I especially enjoyed the section about finding your Core Gifts — because these things make life more rich, even while you’re still single. Redstone is as odious a character as I have encountered in fact or fiction.

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The first step in attracting a partner with a strong Masculine sexual essence, or in evoking more Masculine energy from your present partner, is to cultivate your ability to trust your own Feminine core. By relaxing into your Feminine essence’s native and inherent attractiveness, radiance, wildness, spontaneity and intuitive connection with life, you will empower your core, and you will shine. Then you will also automatically attract, or evoke in men, a strong Masculine sexual essence. I was intrigued by the premise of this book, but found the writing really woo and hard to take seriously. The first part of the book focuses on discovering your “Core Gifts”, then “honoring” them by leading with them instead of hiding them and bringing relationships into your “Gift Zone”. There was a LOT of detail here, but it was fairly vague, and I would have preferred more specific examples of what someone’s “Core Gifts” might be in order to better understand my own.

Learn how to keep your relationships growing–beyond the sexually neutralized roles so typical of today–and create a relationship that is spiritually erotic, sexually deep and passionately committed to love. In a brief period of time, I’ve understood myself better than I have for most of my life. I have begun to treat myself with affection, honor, and trust. I have begun to reframe my relationships with people in the context of my core gift of affection and the need for deeper connections. And I have begun to seek love interests based on positive attractions of inspiration.

The publisher has supplied this book in encrypted form, which means that you need to install free software in order to unlock and read it. You can read this ebook online in a web browser, without downloading anything or installing software. Don’t pay attention to the subtitle, it’s makes the book seem like it’s going to be hokey-pokey. This is a really great book that impacts more than just dating.

Deeper Dating: How to Drop the Games of Seduction and Discover the Power of Intimacy (Paperback)

You’ll learn why the old map to finding love fails us — and you’ll learn a new map, based on discovering and embracing your own deepest gifts. Together, we’ll create a structure to make these six months one of the greatest adventures of healing and self-discovery of your life. And you’ll learn a life – transforming practice to tap into your own inner wisdom to guide you most directly to finding love. This first class will help us create the structure and vision for our whole journey.

To support the Guardian and Observer order your copy at guardianbookshop.com. A collection of 20 short, experimental, playful and philosophical stories from the highly praised Mexican author of Signs Preceding the End of the World. Startling concepts another writer might take hundreds of pages to explore are distilled into perfect miniatures. It’s tempting to gulp them down at once, but such datingranking.org/myhornysingles-review rich fare is best taken slowly, allowed to digest. We review lots of new books every month, and here’s where you can find the ones we liked best of all. Common Sense is the nation’s leading nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of all kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in the 21st century.


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